Steep Inside.

My writer friend Nivita interviewed me for Kahani Digital’s Q&A series with creatives! It’s all about how I stepped into my identity as a writer and how Steeped by Samia came about. Read it here! —S.A.

Liminal thoughts on life, directly in your inbox 💌

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I started my blog in 2019, right after college. I’ve always been an avid journaler and story-writer, but blogging provided an interesting (& slightly scary!) new outlet. I wrote about my post-grad experience and created Dreams In-Progress: a series on early career pathways.

My writing has grown with each curiosity I’ve followed.

— From making book-ish content for South Asian Reading Challenge, to creating an editorial platform with Kulfi Beauty.

I recognize the value of telling stories that are emotionally resonant yet speak to the liminal thoughts and experiences we have — stories that don’t often find their way into mainstream conversations.

My blogging came to a halt in 2020, with hopes of starting it up again someday. Now, when it feels urgent to retrace my steps with writing (& with life in general!), I feel excited to share my stories & perspective in my own little corner online.

That’s how ‘Steeped by Samia’ came about in 2022.

STEEP /stēp/ : (v.) 1. to soak something in liquid so as to extract flavor or to soften it. 2. to surround or fill with a quality or influence.

On Steeped by Samia, I simmer on curiosities & memories to infuse new layers of understanding in them — to turn them over & over and examine new angles. I want to answer: Why is this interesting to me at this very moment? What am I really trying to say about it?

I touch on themes of: liminal spaces, memory, time, creativity, mental health, digital culture, navigating your 20’s, & more.

I want to be surprised by writing again, to feel its wonder.

— Like how eleven-year-old Samia felt when she would daydream & write for hours in her red Staples notebook.

Far too often, my writing ideas fizzle out in energy; I never get to see them to their full potential. While building my rhythm with writing, I want to share these ideas with you.

Oh, and like it’s namesake, there will definitely be some tea recommendations in store! —S.A.

Steep Notes:

“You have a whimsical way of tackling these deep & difficult topics, all while keeping it lighthearted & intriguing through your lens.” —A.V.

“It literally brings back the feeling of reading the Sunday newspaper (my favorite feeling of all time).” —D.D.

“Just read your latest blog post and it felt like a warm hug.” —P.G.

“I feel like I was sitting on your bed with a cup of chai listening to you tell me all these stories.” —R.G.

“Every time I get an email from Steeped by Samia, I know I’m getting fed well!” —S.A.